List Of Impressive Topics For A 6th Grade Compare And Contrast Essay
Middle school teachers face the challenge of encouraging their students to think. Being able to notice the difference and/or similarities between two activities or things is an important part of developing cognitive skills, and a compare and contrast essay is a homework exercise commonly used. The teacher has to remember the student is not a college sophomore. Those compare and contrast topics have to be at a level which the student can understand and expound on. Here are a few which can make excellent homework assignments for a young person in the sixth grade.
- Being a member of the marching band and being an athlete;
- The influence of family in comparison or contrast to your friends;
- Do you learn more by watching a television program or reading a book?;
- Compare and contrast being sent to school detention and going to prison;
- Compare and contrast your behavior to that of a younger sibling or another younger person;
- Snowstorms to thunderstorms;
- Vegetarians to meat eaters;
- Going to a destination by train or getting there by bus;
- Being angry to being afraid;
- Going to a movie theater to renting a video;
- Living in a small town to living in the big city;
- Playing baseball to play soccer.
- Having a smart phone to having a regular telephone.
While these are the topics the teacher has to expand on the instructions. Although support is going to help any young learner better respond to the prompt assigned, the teacher also needs to make a compare and contrast essay interesting to do. It is a temptation for young people to simply write what they think the teacher wants to read. Encouraging them to write what they think allows for better development of cognitive skills. The teacher must also be confident of the class. There is no need to necessarily give a writing assignment that is too simple. Sometimes the compare and contrast essay can be a challenge and as long as it is interesting that is fine.
One of the great rewards of being a teacher is watching how a young person goes from giving automatic answers to providing reasoned responses to a question. Compare and contrast writing assignments can be a great introduction to other ways of thinking through problems and making choices. This type of exercise cannot be underestimated as far as its value. The ability to compare and contrast is a cornerstone feature of an intelligent consumer and a thoughtful voter. Developing comparison and contrasting skills is consequently a benefit to society.
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