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Impact of Modern Education Technology on Learning


Modern technology has had an amazing impact on Learning and it has all happened at amazing pace. If you consider that back in the 1990’s many schools boasted having 1 or 2 PC’s in the school for the use of the pupils, compared to now when there are IT suites for the pupils/students to use and in some schools the older pupils are provided with iPads, they have links to their teachers/tutors and can send their work for marking electronically. NO more excuses that ‘the dog has eaten my homework!’


One of greatest aspects of the impact of technology on learning is with the advent of e-learning courses. No longer do you have to travel to attend your course which especially great if you work full time and wish to study in your spare time. E-learning also allows you to learn at your own pace and still have contact with your tutor through email, skype or just messaging as well as contact with both your tutor and other students through online forums.

Another major influence of technology on learning is that the student now literally has world knowledge at their fingertips. You hardly ever need to go and visit the library to find out facts and information, because a lot of libraries have some not all reference books online.

On a classroom level, the tutor can now prepare their lesson in depth, design hand-outs and post their lecture notes the college web site in a fraction of the time it took to produce lesson plans and resources in the past. Use of Power Point presentations means that the tutor has more time in the class to interact with the students rather than stand and write on a blackboard.

On the other side there is still the need for practical applications and workshop sessions to support academic learning. When researching online, you may find that some of the work you want to reference may not be in your first language and when looking at scientific research, some issues may be skewed through translation. There is also the concern that a student may be producing work online that is actually not theirs.


The most important aspect of the use of technology in education is that there needs to be a balance between what is learned best in isolation and what is leaned best as part of a group. However learning on line is now a very positive experience compared to 10 years ago

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