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How to write a business paper

Business papers can be thought of as “business essays”--the same as a regular essay, but geared towards topics that concern a business. For example, a restaurant would commission a business paper to be about whether customers are happy with the food that they order, and if a change would increase or decrease sales. Business papers focus on facts, evidence and research-based conclusions. Here's what you can do to craft a professional white paper.

  1. 1. You need to consider the audience and the purpose of the paper. Business papers are commissioned by people who want conclusions about topics that concern them, so make sure the paper is about the topic they specify and not on something slightly-related or nothing to do with the issue at hand.

  2. 2. In the academic world, economics and business courses are considered sciences. Science papers are written with the latest version of the American Psychological Association's writing style, and so should business papers. There are numerous physical and online sources you can consult for free to learn how to write in APA format. This applies to the bibliography/works cited list you create as well.

  3. 3. A business paper is structured just like a regular English essay. There is an introduction with a thesis statement, the body paragraphs containing information, arguments and sources, and the conclusion that wraps up the theme of the paper. The introduction usually states the purpose of the paper, a brief history of the company, product or service being studied, and a note on the changes affecting the company, product or service being studied. The body paragraphs contain the current trend or issue, and describes the technology and service processes that affect the company, product or service. The conclusion wraps up everything with thoughts and conclusions that affect the company, product or service. There's nothing to fear from a business paper that you would fear from an regular essay (apart from finishing before the deadline.)

  4. 4. A business paper can use relevant visual aids to help with the presentation, like charts and graphs detailing how the public has bought a product over the years. Don't get too overly flashy with the pictures; like an English essay, the importance lies in the facts and research you talk about.

  5. 5. Whenever possible, keep your business paper short and sweet. A professional paper makes its point with corresponding research in as few pages as possible, using easy-to-understand language to talk about complex points. Try to use simple metaphors and examples that enhance your point, instead of making it sound pompous and overloaded. Your audience will appreciate it, and may even hire you to compose more business papers in the future. And always be honest with your conclusions and evidence; even if your audience may not like what you find, they will appreciate and trust your judgment, which is the hallmark of an expert business writer.

Good luck with your business papers, and don't stress over the small things! Or buy your essay here.

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